@More than twelve months have passed since we said farewell to Notre Dame SeishinJunior College.
I hope that thoughts of your days as a student will
always be greeted with gratitude and appreciation for the experience you had at
Notre Dame Seishin CoIlege.
@In my own life, another season of farewell was triggered when l
decided to return to the United States to live.
Throughout the 13 years and 10 months that l have spent living in Hiroshima, l have wondered if I should return to the States. l would like to give you an account of how l
believe God has guided me in making this decision.
@In the Gospel of Luke 8:26-39C there is an
account of Jesus healing a man who was possessed by many demons. The man was so
grateful for what Jesus did for him that he wanted to spend his time following
Jesus. Instead of allowing the man to
stay with HimC scriptures reveal that Jesus instructed the man to do
the following. gReturn home and tell how much God has done for you.h So the man
went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him.
@0n October 12th of 2003C God spoke
to me using this scripture. As I sat in
a Sunday worship service and listened to the verses of this experience being
read, the Holy Spirit illuminated verse 39 in my heart and made God's
instruction to me very clear. gReturn
home and tell how much God has done for you."
@With the understanding that God personalized that scripture and spoke directly
to me, I decided to move back to the United
States in June of 2004.